Common techniques and tools used in cybersecurity forensics include:

  • Disk imaging and analysis tools:

Used to create forensic copies of storage media and perform detailed analysis of
the data recovering deleted files, and identifying artifacts left by attackers.

  • Network forensics tools:

             Monitor and analyze network traffic to identify suspicious activities, track
communication between systems, and identify potential intrusions or data

  • Memory forensics tools:

             Extract information from volatile memory (RAM) to identify running processes,
network connections, and any malicious code or malware active in the system.

  • Log analysis tools:

 Analyze system logs, event logs, and other records to reconstruct events and
identify anomalous behavior or signs of compromise.

  • Forensic investigation software:

Specialized software designed for data recovery, metadata analysis, file carving,
and other forensic tasks.

Cybersecurity forensics plays a critical role in incident response, helping organizations understand the nature of security incidents, gather evidence, and take appropriate remedial actions. It also contributes to improving cybersecurity practices, strengthening defenses, and supporting legal proceedings related to cybercrime.

We are information security consultant that can help your organization to implement Information Security Framework based on ISO/IEC 27001:2022, do reach out to us via email at [email protected]